How to Increase Engagement Through Interaction on TikTok

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

There’s a vast ocean of content and creators on TikTok. Between individual creators, brands, and the numerous niches the platform contains, there is no shortage of engagement on the app. But, what about engagement on videos?

Landing on anyone’s For You page is where every creator—individual or brand—should want to be. This will likely increase engagement. However, maintaining that engagement and building a solid relationship with followers so they consistently interact on content is also important. Getting there isn’t necessarily as hard as it’s made out to be.

Here are some tips on increasing engagement through interactions:

  • Utilize the app’s Q&A feature

This allows users to go to a creator’s account and directly ask them a question. The creator can then reply to that question with a video. To do this, a user must have a Creator account—an account that has videos posted to it. Go to the Creator tab under Settings and click Q&A. Then, turn the feature on and it will appear under the bio section of the profile. Turning it off works the same way.

  • Encourage people to ask questions

Users often only see videos and don’t travel to the creator’s profile. Therefore, he or she may not know the Q&A feature is active. Make a video letting users know it’s turned on and encourage them to ask questions. This could be another way to attract potential followers by making them curious about the content being produced.

  • Ask questions in videos

When posting content, ask questions and direct users to comment on their responses in the comments. This boosts engagement while making them feel welcome to share their opinions. It also invites more information for creators to look at. Getting to know the audience is important for tracking engagement and building relationships as well.

  • Use video replies to comments

TikTok has a unique feature where users can reply to comments with videos. It’s a fresh way to engage with others and let them get to know the creators they follow too. Content can be added to a creator’s account this way also. The replies should be helpful, interesting, or informational to have the best chance of success. In order to do this, click on the comment to have the option of recording something. A red recorder icon will appear. Record the reply and post it.

  • Don’t overlook the Stitch and Duet features

Similar to the ability to reply to comments with a video, Stitch, and Duet allow users to interact with others. The Stitch feature takes part of a user’s content, which can be trimmed and moved, and combines it into another user’s video. The Duet feature puts one video beside another where a user can react, for example, to the content.

Interaction Equals Engagement

To achieve success on TikTok, it isn’t enough to just post content. Creators should interact with followers and other creators. Build a real relationship through the content posted as well as via the several available features that make engagement possible. In that way, interaction and engagement are the same things.