TikTok Hacks to Take Your Videos to the Next Level

Photo by ANTONI SHKRABA from Pexels

TikTok is the future. A huge platform that spans the globe, it’s making waves and changing the world.

If you’re looking to make a big splash of your own, the basic features on TikTok aren’t going to cut it. We’ve compiled a list of some of the best TikTok hacks to elevate your videos.

Add Text to Certain Parts of Your Video

Rather than having text appear consistently through your whole video, choose when it appears and disappears.

  1. After creating your video, create a text box (Tap the Aa button at the bottom)
  2. Type your text. Tap done.
  3. Tap the text box again. Now select Duration.
  4. This will give you a screen with a red bar. You can select exactly how long you want the text box to show.
  5. This makes adding text completely customizable. Add as many pieces of text as you want, coming up at different times of your video.

Narrate Your Videos

Add a voiceover effect to your videos using the screen record feature on your phone.

  1. Record your video as normal. Go to the post screen.
  2. Instead of posting, turn your volume all the way down. (This way you won’t get feedback in the next steps.)
  3. Start a screen recording.
  4. Go back and watch the preview of your TikTok.
  5. Narrate as it plays, speaking clearly into the mic. The phone will record what you’re saying and what is happening.
  6. When it’s done, stop the recording and go into your Photos app and trim the beginning and end to keep only the pertinent middle.
  7. Next, tap Upload in TikTok to upload the screen recording.

Use Songs From Other TikToks

Love that song? Use it!

  1. At the bottom right of the TikTok, tap the spinning record.
  2. A screen will show all the videos that have used this sound.
  3. Tap Use this Sound at the bottom center of the screen.
  4. This will open your recording screen. When you start recording, the sound will play so you can hear it and act accordingly.

Create a Custom Audio

You see custom audios all the time, and you have the perfect sound to use. Now’s your time!

  1. Record a TikTok with the audio you want (Alternatively, save a video with the desired audio to your camera. This is one way you can use editing software to create audio before saving your sound to your camera roll and then Uploading in TikTok.)
  2. Before posting, change your settings to private (This way no one can see the video)
  3. Once the video is posted, go to it and tap the spinning record at the bottom right.
  4. At the bottom, tap Use This Sound.

Let Others Search Your Custom Audio

Now that you’ve created the perfect sound, let other people search for it to use for themselves.

Be aware that you can only change the audio name once, so make sure it’s perfect this time.

  1. Open a video using your custom video, and tap on the spinning record.
  2. Tap the Edit button beside the title and change it to something people can find the audio with.
  3. Tap Save.

Create a Duet

Do a reaction, comment on what’s happening, copy the video. Duets let you show someone else’s idea next to yours as you record!

  1. When you find a video you want to duet, tap the Share button on the right side.
  2. Tap Duet.
  3. Record your clip, editing and adding effects as you want.
  4. Post as normal.

Make Fresh and Interesting Videos

With content creators changing the way we view videos, editing and effects are a crucial part of producing content. These hacks will help you make a custom video that reflects exactly the skill you want to show the world.