What TikTok's FYP Means

Photo by Jenny Ueberberg on Unsplash

Worldwide, TikTok has around 3.5 billion active users. For You Pages (FYPs) are considered the holy grail of app success. Your business can benefit greatly from being featured on FYP. To increase your brand’s exposure, follow these eight steps.

An overview of TikTok’s FYP

As soon as users open the TikTok app, they are presented with the For You Page (FYP). According to TikTok’s algorithm, it suggests videos they might like based on their interests and past interactions, even if they don’t follow those creators. With its targeted content, TikTok wants to keep users on the app for a longer period.

The 8 steps to getting TikTok’s FYP

  • Make the right post at the right time

FYP will be more likely to feature your content if you post more. Post three times a week at first, then every day. However, do not share content just to share content. Quality and engagement are key. In addition, you need to post at the right time.

  • Keep up with trending hashtags

By using trending hashtags, you increase the chances of your content being picked up by the algorithm and being featured on FYP. TikTok hashtags work similarly to Instagram hashtags to categorize and find your content. You should choose 3-6 relevant hashtags based on your content rather than quantity.

  • Create original content

High-quality, engaging video is rewarded on TikTok. If you wish to stand out from the crowd, your video and audio quality must be of the highest quality. You need to make sure that your video is engaging and original.

  • Make engaging videos that are short and sweet

Making videos as short as possible will increase their chances of being watched to the end. Videos can be up to one minute long, but it is believed that keeping them as short as possible will make them more engaging. Be sure that they are still engaging, interesting, and fun if they are short. You should aim to increase the number of likes and shares you receive.

  • Involve influencers in the campaign

In comparison to other platforms, TikTok has the highest rate of influencer engagement. Partnering with TikTok influencers can jump you to the FYP queue because you will get instant engagement. Stitching on TikTok and duets are two ways to collaborate with creators.

  • Make your video or audio clips more discoverable by using trending audio clips or effects

Boost your likes, comments, and views by searching for specific audio clips, sounds, and effects. Discover trending sounds and recommended sounds for your videos by tapping ‘Sounds’. Then, when you’re feeling inspired, you can use them later.

  • Captions should be brief

Due to the 150-character limit, you should write captions that are short, informative, and engaging. Caption your videos with intriguing captions like “Wait until the end”. By doing so, you could increase the number of views and completions.

  • Engage your audience with a hook

During the first few seconds of your TikTok content, you need to create a hook to grab people’s attention. Your video must engage and compel your audience to watch until the end. Your hook should be tailored to your target audience’s interests based on popular videos in your niche. By doing this, you’ll be more likely to hit TikTok’s FYP and increase engagement.